Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Ecoplas, which takes into consideration the benefit of the individual, the society and the environment, has implemented the CSR Policy in line with the company's mission and values.

Ecoplas CSR policy basically covers 6 areas;


Ecoplas management and employees have agreed to comply with the basic rules published by the United Nations on human rights, working environment and environmental issues.

All people are born free, equal in dignity and rights. They are equipped with wisdom and conscience, they must treat each other with a sense of brotherhood.

Everyone has all the rights and liberties, regardless of race, color, gender, language, religion, political or other form of opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

No one can arbitrarily interfere in his private life, family, home or correspondence, attack his honor and name

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.

Everyone has the right to work in fair and favorable conditions.

Everyone has the right to equal pay for equal work, without discrimination.

Everyone has the right to rest and leisure; this includes the reasonable limitation of business hours and the right to take paid holidays at regular intervals.

Everyone has the right to participate freely in cultural life, to benefit from art and to participate in scientific development and share his benefits

1. Respect for Human (Working Conditions and Human Rights)

Ecoplas is committed to providing a healthy and safe working environment where employees have equal rights while respecting differences between people and basic human rights.

While fulfilling the legal requirements on working conditions and working rights, it is aimed to always advance these conditions within the possibilities of the company.

Safe working environment is the first target for us, Ecoplas employees believe that quality can not be produced in a production environment where there is no work safety and keeps worker safety and worker health in all activities.

No discrimination is made among Ecoplas employees such as race, color, gender, language, religion, political or any other kind of opinion, national or social origin, property, nativity or other status, all employees have equal rights and freedoms.

Special efforts are made to ensure gender equality in society and gender equality in worklife for female employees, and equal opportunities are offered in education, social rights and all other fields.

2. Corporate activities, business conduct and transparency (Business Ethics)

All employees agree to win the trust of employees, business partners and society.

While our company continues its activities, corruption, bribery, tribute, etc. it does not allow or support any illegal action.

In its activities, Ecoplas attaches importance to the security of the personal data of its employees, customers and all related parties, and the privacy of personal information, and takes the necessary measures to protect this information. It collects and maintains the data permitted under the relevant legal requirements and necessary for the conduct of the work within the framework of the rules set by the law. In technical matters such as sharing this information with third party institutions and individuals, and destroying them at the end of the specified period, it remains completely within the framework of the law. Ecoplas informs its employees about the protection of personal data.

Ecoplas employees may be perceived (concession or reference, provide tender or reference), which may be perceived as an addiction relationship, which creates an impression of irregularity other than legal and commercial traditions, customs and traditions, or other materials (souvenirs / promotional items (Calendar, calendar, keychain etc.). cause of winning, etc.) can not accept and offer any gifts. In any way (even if the amount is low), it cannot give or accept gifts that can be converted into cash or cash (gift vouchers etc.). Promotion, events, fairs, seminars etc. open to general participation. Participation in organizations such as domestic-international trips, cultural events or sports activities, which are not directly related to the business relationship outside, is subject to the approval of the Assistant General Manager, General Manager or Chairman of the Board in writing.

3. Respect for Environment

Respect for the environment is one of the core values of Ecoplas and works actively in this area and makes special efforts to protect the natural environment. For this purpose, Ecoplas has implemented the ISO 14001 environmental management system.

4. Creating value for society

"Ecoplas; Providing technological, economical and environmentally friendly parts and systems to the Automotive Industry; Creating value for the society with its mission that will be a company that creates value for its employees, customers and country ”is one of the primary issues of Ecoplas. Ecoplas supports this goal by taking an active role in social areas besides its main activities. Activities that will add value to the society are planned and implemented within the framework of the annual plan included in the annual strategic management plan. It supports the suggestions that its employees will make in this direction.

5. Responsibility to the society

Ecoplas aims to act in accordance with the traditions, customs and culture of the society in all its activities. It gives importance and support to the education and cultural development of its employees and their first-degree relatives.

6. Extending our CSR Policy to our Supply Chain

Ecoplas envisages encouraging and supporting the entire supply chain on social responsibility. Respect for human rights, compliance with ethical rules, etc. specified in CSR handbook here and in detail. It also demands that its suppliers are compatible in matters.


  • Ecoplas employees; they do not discriminate between each other or other people, such as race, color, gender, language, religion, political or other kind of opinion, national or social origin, property, nativity or other status, all employees have equal rights and freedoms. and they act with this consciousness.
  • Ecoplas employees; they stay away from all kinds of psychological, sexual, verbal abuse and violence.
    • Any unwanted jokes, slander, ridicule and fun of disabilities
    • The person's body, clothing style, race, language, religion, color, family status, disability, etc. Clear or implied words or behaviors
    • Any undesirable demands, words and behaviors
    • Written or verbal insults, swearing, threats
    • Abuse the authority against the employee, the powers provided by the position
    • All kinds of physical attacks
    They stay away from such situations.
  • Ecoplas employees; complies with the precautions taken and rules regarding occupational health and safety. It is not possible to deliberately follow these precautions or rules or to dismiss them.
  • Ecoplas and its members will comply with applicable Laws and Regulations and take appropriate action against any illegal or criminal acts or acts in violation of the company’s policies and rules. Ecoplas will not make any exceptions to this commitment, regardless of whether an unlawful act is motivated “in the interests of the company” or “in the interests of the customer”, or carried out under the instructions of one’s superior.
  • Company employees take care to avoid situations that will create conflicts of interest. It is essential not to use company resources, company name or facilities for personal benefit, and to avoid attitudes and behaviors that will adversely affect the image of the company.
  • Ecoplas strives to protect its assets against loss, theft, illegal or unfair use. All equipment, materials, hand tools, company computers and other electronic devices, company tools and all materials and equipment owned by the company should be used in accordance with the rule for business purposes. It is not suitable to be used for a special purpose other than the conditions specified for business purposes. Ecoplas employees act in accordance with any precautions taken in this direction and convey the inappropriate situations to the concerned.
  • Ecoplas strives to protect and use confidential information correctly. Ecoplas also does not tolerate illegal use of confidential information / assets from others, unauthorized use of intellectual property or other confidential information. It is not allowed to share any information or images related to the company on media, social media communication channels without the knowledge and approval of Ecoplas management. Ecoplas employees cannot make any written or verbal explanation or make a statement on behalf of the company without the knowledge and approval of the management.
  • Ecoplas will proactively engage in environmental efforts and work to protect the natural environment. We actively work in this area and try to protect environment in all areas.
  • Ecoplas will provide fair competition to all suppliers for any procurement based on an open-door policy. Ecoplas evaluates candidates based on their overall strengths, including quality, technology, price, volume and reliability of delivery, as well as the stability of their business
  • Ecoplas employees may be perceived (concession or reference, provide tender or reference), which may be perceived as an addiction relationship, which creates an impression of irregularity other than legal and commercial traditions, customs and traditions, or other materials (souvenirs / promotional items (Calendar, calendar, keychain etc.). cause of winning, etc.) can not accept and offer any gifts. In any way (even if the amount is low), it cannot give or accept gifts that can be converted into cash or cash (gift vouchers etc.). Promotion, events, fairs, seminars etc. open to general participation. Participation in organizations such as domestic-international trips, cultural events or sports activities, which are not directly related to the business relationship outside, is subject to the approval of the Assistant General Manager, General Manager or Chairman of the Board in writing
  • Ecoplas employees create an advantage for other private and public institutions with whom they have a business relationship, except for issues that are within the legal framework related to the business or for business purposes outside of business hours. cannot meet for purposes. In the case of a special relationship (Kinship, friendship etc.), it is necessary to treat Ecoplas in a way that does not affect the stance and dignity of the society and reveal the private and commercial secrets of Ecoplas. In case of detecting otherwise, Ecoplas top management will have the right to take necessary measures within the legal framework.
  • Recruitment, supplier selection, etc. in Ecoplas activities In such cases, it evaluates its own employees and relatives as a priority on the condition of being based on merit and equity. This does not mean that positive discrimination will be made or privileges will be granted to the persons concerned in the evaluations to be made. The standards and rules set by the company will apply exactly.

Society and Ecoplas

Ecoplas communicates accurately and timely with its stakeholders to increase corporate image and transparency, to be an “Open Company” and gain the trust of the society. Ecoplas listens to their stakeholders by respecting their criticism and suggestions, and includes these suggestions and ideas in their work as much as possible. All communication channels are open for the transfer of situations contrary to Ecoplas CSR policy / behavior codes in all opinions, criticisms, suggestions or applications. Notifications can be sent to the contact address (, which is also available on the Ecoplas website.

In order to ensure an enriched society and sustainable development, Ecoplas uses its resources effectively in cooperation with the society and takes part in activities that will contribute to the society. However, Ecoplas employees cannot commit to participate in any activity or project on behalf of the company. If any, the activity suggestions are shared with the relevant units in Ecoplas and action is taken depending on the annual plan made.

Ecoplas strives to establish transparent and fair relationships with government agencies and public officials. Takes necessary measures to comply with applicable laws and regulations.

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